Learn to read books online

Here's where you can learn to read books online QUICKLY

Soon we'll share some interesting children's projects that you can try yourself.

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I thought it would be a benefit to someone if we could offer a tool that would help people learn how to read. With the web as popular as it is, I thought this would be a great vehicle to share a skill that we've mastered and that I thought we could share with others. The skill is the ability to learn how to read.

It's a very basic necessity and one that many people have already mastered, but I know how difficult it can be for some people. My children have learned how to read pretty well but are continuously mastering the skill. I thought I'd get them involved in creating this website so that it would be interesting and exciting for us and hopefully the same for you.

Learning how to read can be fun and exciting. The trick is doing it often and practicing. Most everyone seems to master walking and talking and don't think about how difficult those skills are to learn. You forget that you only learned one word first, like mamma or dadda, and then a few more words were added to your vocabulary each day. You built on that skill one day at a time.

The same is true for learning how to read. You start off by reading simple short stories and reading them over and over again until the words become familiar. That's what this website is designed to do, help you read books online with your eyes while listening to the stories being read to you.

Hopefully your parents do this with you every day, but we thought this might be a neat little site for you to get even more practice. It's designed primarily with the early reader in mind, but I know there are many older people out there who weren't able to learn how to read at a younger age who would love to be able to read now. If you're reading this, you can learn to read here. It's a great site and even though we've got mostly short stories to read online, the stories are interesting. And many of the stories are narrated by a live person.

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Mark Balestino

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